OONI Geo Explorer is a visualization of the OONI Measurement Aggregate Toolkit (MAT) API.
The Geo Explorer is meant to provide an alternate interactive interface for the geospatial and temporal axes of OONI's data, providing a high-level and intuitive mechanism for exploring the dataset. On the top of the screen, a timeline shows the current range of dates for which data is shown. The map view shows a pie chart for each country which includes data in the specified time range. Datapoints are marked with a green line. To view a specific measurement, mouse over the timeline and the selected datapoint will turn orange. The colors used in the pie charts are the same as in OONI Explorer:
Anytime the view is panned, or the timeline is changed, the app dispatches a request to the OONI API to retrieve relevant data for the selected time and location. By default, web connectivity data from all domains is shown, you can see data for one or more specific domains by adjusting the settings in the "settings" pane.
Created by Sam Cohen.